Child Gun Safety Tips

It is crucial to teach children about gun safety to avoid accidents and tragedies. Firearms should always be kept out of the reach of children, but it is also essential to teach them what to do if they encounter a gun. In this blog post, we will discuss some child gun safety tips that every gun owner with children in the home should know.

Teach Children to Stop and Don’t Touch

The first and most important rule to teach children is to stop and not touch if they find a gun. They should be taught to immediately leave the area and notify an adult. Children are very curious by nature and might think the gun is a toy. It should be stressed with your kids that guns are not toys and should not be picked up or played with. The NRA (National Rife Association) has an excellent course for kids called the Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program. To find out more information about this program and to watch Eddie Eagle in action click the link below.

Click here to check out the Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program

Secure Firearms

Guns should always be secured and kept out of the reach of children. Firearms should be locked up in a gun safe or with a trigger lock. Ammunition could be locked up separately to add another level of safety, however this does decrease your speed if having to respond to a deadly force encounter. Your specific situation would determine if this is the correct step you should take. In most cases a good gun safe or lock would be sufficient, just refrain from giving a child the code or key. If it is a combination code lock, don’t use their birthdates! Some local policies may require you to store guns and ammo separately (i.e. being a foster parent, housing an exchange student, etc ). If you are interested in checking out the trigger lock and gun safe that we recommend, click the links below to view them on Amazon.

 Click here to view Master Lock Gun Trigger Lock

Click here to view SentrySafe Biometric Gun Safe

Teach Children to Respect Firearms

It’s essential to teach children to respect firearms and understand that they are not toys. Be honest with your kids. Let them know that firearms are a tool that have a specific purpose. Children should be taught that firearms are serious and can cause injury or death if not handled properly. Parents should demonstrate responsible gun handling techniques and model appropriate behavior around firearms. Don’t push your kids too hard though, you don’t want to make them fear the gun. Respect is good, fear is bad.

Gun Safety Education

It’s important to educate children about gun safety and to start the conversation early. Parents should talk to their children about guns and gun safety and answer any questions they may have. Children should also be taught to recognize the different types of firearms and how they operate. Start with the four cardinal rules of gun safety. They, like the responsible gun owner, should know them by heart. 

Role Play and Practice Scenarios

Parents should role play and practice scenarios with their children to reinforce the rules of gun safety. Children should be taught what to do in case they encounter a gun, such as leaving the area and notifying an adult. Parents should also practice safe gun handling techniques and demonstrate how to properly load and unload firearms.

Set Ground Rules

Parents should set ground rules for their children regarding guns. Children should not be allowed to play with toy guns that look real, and they should not point anything that looks like a gun at anyone, even if it’s a toy. Parents should also set clear boundaries and expectations for their children regarding firearms.

DJ teaching our oldest son how to shoot a handgun


Children should never be left alone with firearms or allowed to handle guns without adult supervision. Even if a child has been taught the rules of gun safety, accidents can still happen. It’s essential to supervise children when they are around firearms and to store guns safely when they are not in use. North Carolina General Statute 14-316 prohibits any person to knowingly permit a child under 12 to possess a firearm without being supervised. Not only is it the law, its extremely unsafe!

Keep Communication Open

Parents should keep communication open with their children regarding gun safety. Children should feel comfortable asking questions and expressing any concerns they may have. Parents should also check in with their children regularly to make sure they understand the rules of gun safety and to reinforce the importance of responsible gun handling. As they get older you can increase their knowledge base and familiarity with guns. It is important to have deeper conversations about mindset and complacency. 


Teaching children about gun safety is essential to prevent accidents and tragedies. As a responsible gun owner it is your job to protect the kids in your home from themselves. All of the education in the world does not change the fact that they are still children and will make mistakes while becoming adults. Were you ever a child or teenager and thought you knew everything only for it to backfire on you? It is your responsibility to provide gun safety education, groom respect for firearms, and to provide a gun-safe environment for your children.


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